„The foundation for success, whether in court or in contract negotiations, is careful preparation.“

Oliver Förster LL.M. (UC Hastings)

Attorney-at-Law; California USA | Partner

Specialist Lawyer for Commercial and Corporate law

Specialist Lawyer for Tax Law

In addition to M&A transactions and corporate as well as contractual commercial law, Oliver Förster's work focuses on the representation of managers in liability cases (D&O liability) as well as litigation and arbitration.

After graduating with a degree in finance, Mr. Förster studied at the University of Osnabrück and was admitted to the German Bar in 1997. Since 2000, he has been a specialist lawyer for tax law. In 2003, he also earned his Master of Law (LL.M.) with honours from Hastings College of the Law at the University of California and was subsequently admitted to the California Bar. In 2008, he became an specialsist laeyer for commercial and corporate law. He joined HUTH DIETRICH HAHN in 2003 and became a partner in 2009.

Memberships and Activities

  • Attorney-at-Law, California, USA
  • Graduated in Tax Administration
  • Officer & Member to the Board of Directors of Globalaw Ldt. (www.globalaw.net)
  • German American Lawyers Association



German | English


Mail: foerster@hdh.net

Tel.: +49 (40) 41525-0
